Living in ParkMerced

This is about our experiences living in the housing complex called ParkMerced from July 2006 to Jan 2008.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


We use our storage space for stuff that we were probably not going to use anytime in the near future or things that we use seasonally, like camping equipment, ski/snow boarding equipment, etc.

I think we visit our storage maybe about once a month. Somewhere in June, when I went to the storage, our storage was completely empty. Initially, I thought someone had broken into our storage. However, after looking around, everyone's storage was also empty. So, the thief had to be either extremely effective, clearing out the entire storage room which contains about 15 storage cages/spaces or something else must have happened.
When I called the management, I was informed that the storage had been cleared due to some kind of retrofitting they were doing and I should have gotten a letter about it. I HAD NOT RECEIVED ANY LETTER THEY WERE GOING TO MOVE MY STUFF OUT OF STORAGE.
They gave me a number to call. The person was the project manager of this storage move and she would be able to inform me when I would see my things again.
She was an extremely difficult person to reach and after calling her quite a few times and playing phone tag with her, we finally connected. I was informed that our things would be returned to our storage space within the week and I could pick up the keys to the new locks from the management office.
By the time all this was said and done, it was already July. We were preparing for a camping trip. I went to the storage, got out our camping gear and we were on our way. Several weeks after our camping trip, I was looking for a fishing pole that I realized I had not taken with me on our camping trips. I couldn't find it. Upon further inspection, I realized that there were other items that were not returned to our storage.

Men's Custom Snowboard (purchased in 2003) - $1,280
2 deep sea fishing poles (purchased in 2001 and 2002) - $400/pole
3 other fishing poles (purchased in the 90s) - total value of maybe $250
a pair of K2 skis (purchased in 1999) - $600
4 x 1.5 folding table (purchased in 2002) - $60
Kenneth Cole leather sling bag (purchased in 1998) - $180
Samsonite sling bag (purchased in 2003) - $220
4 large boxes (3x2x2ft) of candles that we had when we used to own a business - $1,600
1 suitcase with personal effects (such as snail mail, postcards, etc) - priceless

These were some of the things that we could figure out were missing. There may have been other things. We informed the management office about it and they told us that in order to file a claim, we would have to fill out a form and send it to ParkMerced's attorney's offices in LA. At that point, I knew we this was going to be a lost cause.
However, we went ahead and filled out the form and sent it off to LA. Several days later, we got a reply from ParkMerced's attorneys stating that they needed receipts to all the items listed. Please take a look at the stuff listed above. I'm not sure about you but I don't usually keep receipts for more than a few months. I guess I should learn how to do otherwise, especially after this incident. Without the receipts, there was NOTHING they could do. I don't have receipts for any of the above mentioned items. So, I will consider those items stolen (and you know who the thieves are).


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